Thursday, July 31, 2014


So, the last blog post was on failure. It's a terrifying part of our reality and we all experience it sometime or another.

But, lingering on the bad is usually what will inevitably push us to be sad, lonely, and, well, become more of a failure than we were before. That's called a self-fulfilling prophecy by psychologists.

As we approach faith, though, I'm going to talk about someone (whose birthday is today) who has been one of the single greatest examples of faith in my entire life.

It's my Mom, Jennifer Ann Brown (Thompson). I love you, Mom :)

With that,

The List of Why My Mom Is Faith Personified

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FEAR: Failure

I’m scared of fear, and of being afraid.

That might seem like an oxymoron, or it might make me seem like a moron, but it’s true.  I feel like I always have been scared – scared of the dark, scared of the unknown, of heights, of spiders, of failure.

And, frankly, I’m a little sick of being afraid.  But I’m also afraid that I can’t overcome it without some help.  

With that, this month I’m going to a list of things I’m afraid of, as well as a list of things that help me overcome my fears.  I bet you’ll relate to some of them! If not, then that sucks! Here we go.  Welcome to....

The List of Stuff that Makes Me Want to Poop My Pants!

Version 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

10 Things About Grandma Brown

I recently made a post about my Grandma Julie, who is my Mom's mom. Now, it's time for a post about Grandma Brown, my Dad's mom. Happy Birthday, Grandma Brown, and know that I love you! :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Exercise When You Have No Energy, and other stories

Tired. What to do when one is tired. I think that says a lot about a person, and the state that they're in.

I think that leads to another question, though--

What do you do when you're tired?