Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our Sister, Ali. And why she rocks. Merry Christmas in August.

(This post is a joint-author endeavor, with my sister Julie being the co-author)

Our family is having Christmas in August this year and so far it's been fun and great, and fun. 

When trying to decide what to prepare for my sister Ali, I was at a loss. Ali is literally the queen of Christmas. 

She has everyone's gifts figured out months in advance. 

They're painstakingly contrived and prepared. 

They're thoughtful. 

So, we're going to try and do the same for her. Here comes

The top 10 List of why Ali Davis is the bees knees / cats pajamas

10. The cookie-baking and such (Jacob)

Making cookies with Ali wasn’t really making them “with” Ali - more like making them against her. Her cookies, in her opinion, were obviously superior to mine, obviously. Cookies weren’t a dessert, no. They were art, an expression of self.

We would present our wares to the tribunal, i.e. our parents. Mom was always approving of whatever we did, but Dad would get a special gleam in his eye if you did something special - e.g., the addition of walnuts, a sprinkle of a new spice, etc.

I remember it like it were yesterday, one night in particular. (Also, I think that Ali would tell this story a little different than I will.) We had a fireside at our house and Ali and I had spent the day making cookies for said fireside. We had had a heated competition (yes, the stove was on) earlier in the day and in my mind, I was victorious. Disgruntled, Ali decided that a larger judging sample was needed.

We proceeded to give the cookies that we had made to our friends, and to my knowledge, I came out victorious. That made me happy, and Ali frustrated.

That about sums it up. Ali doesn’t like to lose, but it’s probably because she doesn’t lose often.

Go Ali :)

9. Singing (Julie)

Ever since ever, Ali has been an awesome singer. Wherever there is music, she’ll be there. Over her years of serious singing, she has gotten leads, solos, awards, and much more, but I want to go one step further, and focus on the glorious art of belting.

One Christmas Eve, Ali and I were sharing my bed, and we were TIRED. So, naturally, we sang our mightiest, most electrifying version of “Frosty the Snowman”. Unfortunately, the rapturous melody that we had intended became more like the cry of drowning, pubescent, seals.  

We kept singing anyway, adding in more and more voice-cracks and scoops until our best efforts gave way to fits of hysterical laughter, the kind that only pre-Christmas jitters, sleep deprivation, and sisterly love can produce.

Ali doesn’t only sing the classics, though. It s a little-known fact that Ali and I are the secret background singers (and dancers) for the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. She can be having a completely reasonable and proper conversation in the car. Until she hears the first notes to her song. We blow the roof of the car, and the hearing aids off of the elderly. Good times :)


8. The Singing Face (Jacob)

As has been established, Ali has got a voice. I’m not talking speaking voice, although hers is good, too. I’m talking a Broadway voice. All-star voice.

Also, like most people, Ali has a face. It’s a very good-looking face, as you well know. However, when Ali begins to sing, she turns into a performer. From pretty, to captivating. From gorgeous, to wondrous.

From "eh" to angelic. You're darn right.

Go to her concerts. Or just ask her to sing for you sometime. You will understand.

Even if she doesn't actually sing something for you, that's not really how she...ah, just look at this picture.

7. The drama. Oh, the drama. (Both of us)

I was in third grade when Ali did Into the Woods, so all I remember is being confused as to why her character had to die, and some of the more catchy songs. Mom wouldn’t let me watch Grease, because I was in fifth grade (though I know she did get highlighted in the local newspapers as one of the better characters in the show), but Cirque and Hairspray I remember.

Because Cirque came first, I’ll start with that. The only reason I went was because I got to be mom’s assistant usher, and that equals free tickets. For some reason, the tickets at the Milton theater cost, like $10 for everything, so anything we wanted to see, we had to horn our way into. I have no regrets, however, because it was totally worth it.

Ali was a clown, which seems kind of lame, but she gave the character a personality and a soul that a lot of the audience really connected to. She didn’t have to be creepy or overly up-in-your-grill like they can tend to be, but happy and carefree, like clowns are supposed to be. This combined with her masterfully designed thrift-store costume made the show better all together.

Now for Hairspray. I could on and on about these stories, but since Ali was there, I’ll keep it down to the memories that stand out to me the most - be warned, they are still pretty random.
I’ll stick with the top three, for now.

Firstly, I remember endless memorization. There would always be song playing somewhere in the house, karaoke or with the lyrics. When the songs were done, it was on to memorizing lines. 

I remember numerous occasions Where I was just sitting on (at the time) her bed and helping her memorize her lines. It was fun and I got to stay up later.

Second, Shuler Hensley awards. Ali got nominated to be part of this thing called the Shuler Hensley awards,  which basically means that Ali is not just an average actress, but particularly note and praiseworthy to the drama community in Georgia. 

She rocked her song - even though they made her sing it in a weird key - and a ton of people commented on how much they loved it afterwards. I hope she realizes how awesome she is :)

Lastly, I remember her reaction to seeing all of her relatives waiting for her after the play, several of whom she hadn't even seen until that very moment. 

She was a mess, but she could have cared less. Dad gave her black and white roses, for the “Checkerboard Chick”. It was an emotional high for everyone.

I was on my mission when I heard, from Ali and the rest of the family, about Ali’s exploits with Hairspray and Cirque. What I heard was legendary, but as I didn’t experience it firsthand I don’t feel quite qualified to talk about it.

Into the Woods, however, is a different story. (Yeah, you could say the pun was intended)

I was also in the show, but I could tell even at that time that I was not on the same plane as Ali on the stage. She was only a Freshman at the time, but she landed a leading role and stole the show at every turn. Not only that - she made it cool to be related to me. She made my life easier, and I honestly felt a little bit lame by comparison. She stole the show without even trying.

That’s just how Ali lives. Without apology, and not even by “trying too hard” like I’m guilty of. Just being herself, which is the best kind of self to be.

It’s a sight to behold.

6. The Master Chef (Julie)

Ali is a super-perfectionist, and because of this, she is an awesome cook. For example, home-made pizzas went from a family bonding experience to Iron Chef. The dough has to be stretched to it’s maximum square footage for her to feel  like it is worthy of eating.

It seems like a simple enough concept, but every time that I tried it, it turned into, essentially, a giant, burned, cracker with pizza toppings on it. That lady has it down to a science.

She has also figured out how to make the worlds most delectable peanut butter balls. They could be a patented Reese’s product for all the consumer knows. They are delicious.

‘nuff said.

5. Singing around the piano (Julie)

Ali is an awesome piano player, and she makes good use of that talent. it seems as though whenever there is a chance for everyone to come home, we all seem to gravitate around the Piano for some rousing family singing/passionate, in-tune, screaming
When the singing begins, she is the one at the bench, multitasking like a boss, singing and playing /sight-reading and enjoying the moment with her family. Whether it be showtunes like Les Miserables or The Phantom of the Opera, or whatever else that can be excavated from the music filing cabinet that we feel like singing, she’s on top of it. She’s awesome. :)

4. The woman and her Superman (Jacob)

The first time I met Clark Davis was by surprise. I had heard about this guy - an Ultimate frisbee demigod and apparently the apple of Ali’s ample eye - but didn’t know what he looked like or anything else.

Then we met in the shallow end of a pool, wrestling and dunking each other in the blink of an eye.

I wasn’t so sure Ali had found the right person then. Now, however, I’m supremely convinced of Clark’s awesomeness, his love for my sweet sister, and their greatness together.

May they continue as they have started - i.e., mixing things up nice.

Looking back, it was hilarious. As they dated, I saw the tension, the drama (or, really, the refreshing lack of it), the development, and the falling for each other like lovestruck sea otters. (Sorry, it was the first animal to pop into my head..)

Except, they didn’t do things like your (cough) typical Provo get-r-done-two-months-and-done couple. They didn’t meet one week and get engaged the very next. They took their time. They got to know each other really well. Clark met our family and spent time with us. The way they did things just made sense, and I could tell on their wedding day that everything was going to be absolutely fine.

More than fine. Things will be happy Ever After.

She loves that movie, by the way.

Huh. Where have I seen this before...

Ah, yes. To the happy couple, and their eternality. May the hair on their toes, er, heads never fall off.

3. The Tattler (Jacob)

Ali is wary of this story, probably because of its truth. Let’s tell it anyway.

Our Grandma Brown told Ali that she liked me (Jacob) more than Ali because I didn’t tattle. This says quite a bit about our loving Grandmother, but also a fair amount about Ms. Ali. (I guess it’s Mrs. Davis now, but we’ll let it slide - thanks, Clark.) She was reeeally good at pushing my buttons long and hard enough to get me to do something tattle-worthy.

Then she would linger near her prey while I would get a scolding or visit to the Repentance Bench. (Yes, that existed.) Chuckling to her 5 year old self all the while, and feeling none the wiser.

Yes, Ali used to tattle. She used to find things to get me for, and though I admittedly deserved everything she wanted to spring on me, she was out for blood.

Don’t cross her, man. She’ll go crazy on you.

But if you’re smart, make friends with her. She will never, ever, let you down. Ever.

...seriously don't mess with her. She'll mess you up. Just look at that intimidating face. 

2. The Older Sister (Julie)

Having Ali as an older sister has been an awesome experience. Even though she  milks the age superiority card a bunch, (most of the time) she deserves to.

I remember multiple experiences where Ali wanted to go to someone’s house, but Mom made her clean her room. That’s where I came in. As an expert delegator, she would always find some way to reel me into cleaning up her sizeable mess. I didn’t really mind though, because she was also an accomplished briber. :)

Ali isn’t just a devious older sibling, of course. She is also one of my best friends. She always forced me to have presentable hair and apparel. Without her constant nagging, I would probably look like a seasoned hobo who appeared to have a boarding house for vultures in my hair. Thank you for helping me see the light.

1. Tension, then Togetherness (Jacob)

When Ali and I were young, I felt the need to be better than her. I really don’t know why. I think that I probably felt a little intimidated, a little unsure of myself, and probably insecure in my ability to “lead the way” for someone I deem much more able to deal with certain things than I am.

For whatever reason, I didn’t treat Ali with the love she deserved. I was a brat. No, she wasn’t perfect either, but at the end of the day I’m sad for the years we lost together because of my selfish decision to not cultivate a great relationship with her.

Now, though, I’m happy to say that we’ve worked through it. After I was a Senior and she was a Freshman at Canby High School, and all our friends were in the same group, I began to see that she wasn’t just a blood-sucking vampire out for my friends, popularity, and better grades. She wasn’t there to show me up or steal any of my self-proclaimed thunder.

She just wanted to be there, together. She wanted me to be there.

I wasn’t always there for my sister, and thinking about that now hurts me. It hurts me to think that someone as innocent and loving as my sister would have a brother who cared more about himself than helping her feel safe, happy, and secure. I am still a little haunted by my wrong decisions and wish I could take them back.

Still, though, I know that we both believe in repentance, and that we both have changed drastically. It’s been a work in progress, and we’ve had a lot to work through since then, but

it has been worth it, every step of the way,

just to be with her.

I am so glad that we’ve been able to push past our differences and be friends. Now we get to play in Hawaii with our family, talk about Insanity, play Ultimate frisbee together, go on double dates, and just talk - because we understand each other.

I am so grateful for the strong friendship I have developed with my sister, Ali. She is more than I deserve, but I ‘m glad for the chance, anyway.

Thank you, Ali. 

1. I love my sister 


I can’t really think about my sister without just being grateful. Her smile makes me happy, as do her jokes...even if they’re slathered in cheese. I look up to her strength, her gumption, her tenacity, her sincerity. Her goodness pushes me to be better than I am.

I am a better person because of my sister, Alison May. She is a disciple of Jesus Christ. She is a performer, and a kind listener.

Gosh dang it - LIVE LIKE ALI!!! Your life will be better, and others will appreciate you as they (we) appreciate her.

I love you, sister Ali. We all love you. :)


Ali is the coolest older sister ever. She has always been there for me, even if she is a college. She is the most thoughtful, kind, and skilled person evah. She is witty and clever, and even if she uses it to the effect of sarcasm a lot of the time, she is never bratty or cruel with her words. Ali is also one of the most hardworking and devoted people I know, and I look up to her as an older sister and friend. She is also a spiritual giant who has a strong testimony that she isn’t afraid to show and put into practice. Ali is, and always has been, an inspiration and example to me in my life.

I think that if everyone just got over themselves and lived a little more Ali-like, the world would be a better place.


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