Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So, I discovered the benefits of writing some time ago, and tricked myself into believing that I was okay at it.

Haha. What a load of crap. Read more if you're bored. Or if you want to be surprised...or if you'd like A NEW CAR!!! Actually, I might keep reading if that were true...

That's really all this "blog" is (who thought of that word, anyway--blog. Sounds like a bad, smelly, something that's funny). A celebration of the random crap that enters my head. Should you care about it? Probably not. If you do, though, I'm pleasantly surprised and grateful. Though slightly confused as well.

Some of it might actually help you out, as I know that writing has helped me immensely.

Seeing your ideas before you is satisfying, empowering, scary, invigorating. It provides the opportunity for some imbecile with an attitude to slam you down, or for a kind soul to give you a thumbs up. Or a kind soul to slam you down with kindness, and vice versa.

My point? There are so many people in this world, and, though this is merely one more contribution to the vast amounts of crap in the world--especially on the internet--it is my crap. How romantic.

Here's a thought to consider, before (heaven help us) this blog actually begins to take shape, and get organized, and put on some sort of a purpose:

I have always considered myself to be incredibly selfish. I try to love others, and to serve them, but deep down my only interest is in self betterment, preservation, achievement, etc. I do not recommend living this way. So, I have tried to develop a series of habits that will combat this sort of living; most of these habits are influenced by my religious beliefs (I'm LDS), and I do highly recommend these habits to anyone who will listen.

One thing I have learned in trying to overcome selfishness is the idea of transparency, and how good it feels (insert hedonism here, folks) to be, completely honest with someone--and to feel like someone appreciates that.

Honesty. Kick you in the face honesty. The kind that hurts, but you're better because of it. And given in the way that I think it should be given--with genuine concern, and no crap in the mix. Just the good stuff, given the "good" way.

Yes, it's possible to overdo it. I did that for a while, and it was, um, stupid. I've since learned that there's a happier medium that can be reached: by coupling honesty about one's self--knowing what I'm good at, what I'm not, and being all right with that stew--with honesty about others--observation plus questions--two people can actually have a pretty meaningful cohabitation.

As in, life doesn't have to suck! We actually CAN be understood by someone else, and not just imagine it happening! Seriously? Yeah.

Here's an idea: be honest to yourself, and to others. I've considered myself selfish, but also perceptive, and sometimes another's inability to notice something in him or herself has been maddening.

If you stink (you know, physically, or BO-ally; if you stink metaphysically, that's a discussion for another day), do yourself a favor and take a shower. If you laugh too loud, shut up already. If you're like me and tell way too many stupid jokes just to let people know you're in the room, you should probably stop that. I certainly should.

Take a look at your honesty. Consider it. Where are you at? Do you really care? I hope you do, and I think you probably do. If an idiot like me can consider it and hopefully improve it, I'm sure you can, too.

I've noticed that a strong sense of satisfaction comes when I am honest with others, with God, and with myself. A type of satisfaction that I think anyone can appreciate, and especially those in their vicinity.

Word, gangsta, yo. This has been entry numba one. I am never typing that phrase again--so awkward.

Have a great life.

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